To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So just do it.

― Kurt Vonnegut

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Early August, 2014

In June I began feeling bad. My appetite was limited. I couldn't eat much. I had reflux. I lost weight. My skin was slightly yellow. I started seeing doctors when I cam home early from vacation in mid July. Then on August 8th, I finally had an MRI. The suspicion was that my bile duct had somehow malfunctioned as it had in early 2002 and I was suffering from a minor case of the major infection I had then. In 2002, I was very sick and vomiting. This year, only slight discomfort, but Debra thought I might be yellow. The doctor called me the same afternoon on the 8th to let me know they would need an endoscopic procedure to put a stint in my bile duct to ensure that it stayed open.

On the 12th I got a call from the scheduling offices for Dr. Pham, apparently one of the city's best for the "ERCP" endoscopy procedure. That led to the beginning of the journey I am on now. 

1 comment:

  1. Well dang Wader, Don't really know how to say, what I don't know what to say?! But I'm gonna say goes. First of all I love you... and your whole family too, even Ben! Janice and I are praying for you, your family, the crazy doctors, (cuz we know they can be dumb) and everything else we can think of. Thank you for inviting me to your blog. Its good to know that you are in good spirits and fighting this with some humor too. I know there are going to be some tough days ahead and I'm pulling for you bro, I'll always be in your corner. If there is anything I can do for you or Debbie, okay, or Ben, just let me know. Yeah heck Will and Cate too! Not sure about them dogs though and sorry but your stuck with your dang brother Wilbo. Aint gonna help ya with him! I know you've got a lot of stuff going on but I'd sure like to see yous guys sometime. If things are too crazy I totally understand. Do not even give it a second thought if its even a speck of a problem. Just get well, we can talk later. Love ya and keep in touch.
