To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So just do it.

― Kurt Vonnegut

Monday, August 25, 2014


I am living on juice these days. It's healthy. It tastes soooo good. It's soooo convenient with the new locations in West Lake. And it's soooo cheap. 

But this isn't about juice. Juice is power. Power is love. Thank you for the power. Thank you for the juice.

The love, support and caring that have come bubbling up through the placid surface that is our social network is astonishing. Friends I have enjoyed over the years as laughing beer-b-que buddies are showing up now with those same jokes and same smiles, but also with food.

It has been astonishing to see the number of people who have shown us love and caring these past few days. The notes and emails come daily. They are sincere and lovely and literally fill my energy bar with juice. I feel better having read them. Thank you for the notes. Thank you for the thoughts. Thank you for the prayers. Keep writing and praying or pausing to think of us. If the tables were to someday turn, I know my family would be there for you.

I have learned about ActionLove this week. It's when you put action behind your words of support. That action is everything from bringing a kid home to saying a prayer or thinking of us and letting us know. It's a simple text with a snapshot or a note when you have a minute.  

I hope that one day, for reasons other than cancer, I have a chance to ActionLove others. It's a wonderful skill and takes all forms--a note, a prayer at a stop-light, a text, or a friend, standing in the door with one of your precious kids after a play date or holding a juice with your name on it.

Thank you to all our friends. 

p.s. This isn't a request for juice in the literal sense. I have more than I could ever drink right here.

Shout out to MDJ. In it to win it.

1 comment:

  1. You are an amazing writer, Wade! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and journey with us (and thanks for the shout out). We will do this.
